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Jen McLean

Mental Health "Quick Fixes" or Real Solutions, Options and More (From Conflict to Crisis to Who Knows What?!)

on Sat, 06/03/2017 - 02:55

 When tuning into the text of Brown University's Presidential speech to the 2017 Graduates in May 2017, I learned that a Brown Grad from the 1980s pursued political ambitions and focused on addressing the opiod problem (in her state and maybe the country...time to get back to that site after I post this entry.) That reminded me that drugs and mental illness are 'equal opportunity destroyers'. When I ushered movies shown at college in the 1980s, I recall one "The Harder They Fall". The theme song was "The higher they climb, the harder they fall, one and all..."

When someone pursues ambitious

Note to Jen McLean as she Encourages US All to find our Gifts and Succeed on All Levels from Bucks to Bountiful Life

on Thu, 07/14/2016 - 15:00
As I was watching FB live, an ad for Mark Sims appeared about ETs and when I watched it, he spoke of a similar kind of evolution of our did the the author of Above and Beyond, a woman I have to look up again. and she wrote Dealing with Difficult People..the point of life they summarized was to become more experienced with various choices and life paths that could lead to kindness, compassion, serving others....and all world religions have a piece of the quilt yet together they cover what we need (plus we're ready to learn more.)
Other insights on speak to the

Go online for the Hayhouse World Summit to hear free talks this MAY 2016! Treat yourself right and open your mind to the latest findings and ideas about life, health, spirit and the beyond

on Tue, 05/03/2016 - 23:00

 I'm listening to Brian Weiss as part of a set of four free talks before the May 7th, 2016 twenty day summit begins with Hayhouse. How exciting even though Brian Weiss and John Holland are talking about 'meditation or mindfulness'...not thinking or worrying just allowing the mind to get quiet maybe by taking a walk (or exercising in a zone, which one almost 70 year old woman said was the case for her on the treadmill which she does a few times a week, with consults with her doctor. That would be a guideline for anyone to check with their doctor before exercising ro making big changes.