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Kaelan Paton

ABC, CBA That's the Way We Like to Play...and Enjoy the 55th Anniversary Concert of Folk-Legacy Records Oct 1st,2016

on Thu, 09/22/2016 - 03:32

I will listen to an online recording from of the Region One ABC (All Boards Committee) in Falls Village CT, but will share a poem first...feel free to complete. ABC, CBA that's the way we like to play. DEF, FED Once we're fed we're happy as can be. GHI, IHG, G says Hi and Hi to G.... see more on www.livfully.orgwhen I get a minute this week (and find the rest I made up for a new kid on the block whose name starts like the alphabet with A (no suspense, now, Adaline).

All the best to keeping the school doors open wide and free... I'll put some poems and song lyrics from over the

Figuring out Stuff from the Past and Focusing on the Future for US-All

on Mon, 09/19/2016 - 22:36

Once upon an encounter with aliens in Sheffield MA, see

What are the messages for US-All about things that have occurred (or even may have happened) in our tri-corner area of the wealthiest and earliest parts of the country? If it happened in our area (in the past or more currently), such things are likely to have happened in other areas, for better or for worse.

Our area has an array of experiences from iron ore days to modern racing times, from a few crimes and situations which transformed the awareness of the public about police interviews (Peter Reilly case) ,and other

The First Woman President of the United States of A-Miracle, Nov. 8th, 2016!

on Sat, 09/17/2016 - 17:21

Let’s put Hillary on Capitol Hill!

Hello from CT and NYC from a blogger and Mompreneur (A Mom whose always learning and doing a little outreach too). I am thinking of reaching people across the country Before the Presidential Election to help Hillary and other Democrats get elected, since CT State Representative Elizabeth Esty shared the critical need to do so at a lovely get-together in scenic Salisbury CT in early September 2016.

My free blog has been plugging along with sharing of both challenges like losing our teen son Kaelan Paton (‘93-’09)in a river episode and

Try a little PC (permaculture) at

on Wed, 08/03/2016 - 05:09

 I like to think of PeaCe when seeing PC which also resonate with my family of origins names (one starting with P on my Dad's side and C on my Mom's). Now this is a post about not only me but everybody on the planet starting with the lucky folks who hear about the efforts of Ethan Roland has a new book out, Regenerative Landscape I just saw when signing up for his newsletter.

These folks are unstoppable (and unfortunately so is climate change). I was fortunate to take a basic Permaculture (72-hour) class with Ethan and his trusty team of permie teachers in High

Times of Remembrance of Tom, Kaelan, and Others..The Meanings and Connections

on Thu, 07/21/2016 - 21:33

When My Friend and Home Care Client Tom Drew Went Missing July 21, 2007 just before The Petit Family Tragedy, And Later When Our Teen Son Kaelan Crossed Over June 16, 2009-Reflections and Lessons yet to be shared

A day of learning for US All nine years ago today.. when Tom Drew, 91, went missing in Salisbury Ct 7-21-07 at about 7:20pm...and another sadly when the Petit Family suffered their tragedy on the following two days, on 7-22 and 7-23-07. Other posts on this blog and in the media review the main points of the situations as well as that of my son Kaelan trying to rescue a friend from
