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livfully's blog

One day to the next, one would-be winner wins a new vehicle in MA!

on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 18:48

If you could enter to win a $40K vehicle, would you? If you had to pay the $5k in taxes, could you do so or find friends and family to loan it to you? What would you do with the vehicle of your dreams--share it, keep it for your own use (maybe including your family, etc), Give it Away to Family or Friend?

About 180 people (which maybe in the future could reflect more racial diversity by groups of various ethnic groups promoting the event in more local outreaches and additional notifications to qualify) had a chance to find out what they would do once they entered to win a Toyota Highlander

Lionheart (and so many others) Roaring about the Downfall of Mankind..Do we have time to Tune in and Turn the Trend around before the Trend ends Us?

on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 18:16

The following reflects the sentiments of one fellow whose seen a lot in his first century..he 'tells it like it is' for years on end to those taking time to listen. Many people and groups feel likewise.

Who Else is Melting in the Heat? Hug a Cold Jug of Cider, Take a Shower (Even with Clothes On, or Wet Hair, Stay Indoors)

on Sat, 08/15/2015 - 20:49

Hello Everybuddy on Team Survive the Heat! The author of Generation HOT wrote about Climate Change as a reality the younger people in this century would have to face like none others before.
I realize people in warmer climates have weathered far worth than some humid, 90 degree days in New England, but he was talking about the Effects of World Wide Climate Change. That's a harsh "cold' reality that more people have to Want to Face.

At the Great Barrington MA Farmer's Market, I met a person working for NextGen in NH.

Another Note from 97 years young

on Wed, 08/12/2015 - 02:22

 In the spirit of interviewing you before you pop too many questions my way, take a moment to reflect on the following and share your responses here or with a friend, maybe even a new one.

When you were young, 4 or 5 years old, who did you play with? If you did get to play with siblings, did children of the same sex play together? Did boys play differently than the girls? Was there more rough-housing and competition among the boys and more congenial games with the girls?

Could all of the children get along or were there times of difficulty?

Circus Thrills in Great Barrington MA to restore Fairgrounds with Volunteers

on Sun, 07/19/2015 - 13:27

Treat you and yours to a remarkable 'old-school' Italian 'International Family' Circus with a horse whose rider jumps over a flaming stick while standing on running horse's back! Sunday July 19th, 2015 marks the final two shows so look up for 15% off tix and enjoy the pre-show even if you can't afford more than the 5 bucks to park.
