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Lundy Bancroft

Lundy Bancroft offering new webinar on his book Why Does He DO That?

on Wed, 08/09/2017 - 14:34

The more everyone learns about how our society treats boys and girls differently and men and women differently legally (especially historically wherein men 'owned' women and their children...with legal responsibilities but also with power to 'hit, hurt, and use them on many levels' in the name of running Their Manly Household (with no laws or interventions to keep things in check or better, make them 'fair and clear to all parties' in a household.) 

When some suffer, everyone in the home or family or social group suffers albeit in 'different ways'. Women and girls often 'act in' (depression,

To Whom It May Concern (and It Really May Not Seem to be You, but Maybe Your Kids or Grands...)

on Sun, 06/25/2017 - 19:44

Dear Everybuddy,  This may be The Most Important Blog Post For Parents and Kids, Elders and Others To Read Today, It's serious yet timely and informative, so please take note (or print out and ponder...more simple tips coming soon too.)

While everyone says 'know your audience, be clear about who your message is for (and of course What Your Message Is), sometimes it's hard to hone in on Who That Is, Where They Are on One's State and Country if not The World.

Reflections on the Syrian Travesty (my comments from FB, relates to post below too)

on Sat, 04/08/2017 - 13:29

Important points proposed here...Meanwhile Steven Greer says it doesn't matter who is President so much since the behind the scenes ( and some key facilities underground) decision makers siphon off billions or trillions of dollars

..See more on Sirius
 for free now on YouTube.IF life in earth is not the only game in the universe And aliens need us to behave, which we can do easily without oil according to Greer since their are far more advanced technologies,then we need to have a real awakening. 

Many alternative thinking ( quantum metaphysics,healing and spiritual Theories) offer more hope and

The Bridge Is Out! Kids are lost to courts, Abused Moms lose out too...and much more

on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 18:28
 To the Editor:
What suffering when a bridge is out.  Everyone understands there is no easy way to cross it. Even when someone is told a bridge it out unexpectedly, as is recounted in The Wisdom of the Enneagram (about nine personality types) by Hudson and Riso, an obstinate driver may forego the warning and plunge to his end (along with his passengers). How can we advocate for personal and society safety on all levels?
What does it take to heed an urgent warning about dAnger whether about a road, a person who is not safe or a system than does not use best practices to prevent harm