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Steven Greer

Lundy Bancroft offering new webinar on his book Why Does He DO That?

on Wed, 08/09/2017 - 14:34

The more everyone learns about how our society treats boys and girls differently and men and women differently legally (especially historically wherein men 'owned' women and their children...with legal responsibilities but also with power to 'hit, hurt, and use them on many levels' in the name of running Their Manly Household (with no laws or interventions to keep things in check or better, make them 'fair and clear to all parties' in a household.) 

When some suffer, everyone in the home or family or social group suffers albeit in 'different ways'. Women and girls often 'act in' (depression,

A Great Post from Another Site about the Generosity Economy and Intentional Community Info, Let US-All Go For It!

on Sun, 08/06/2017 - 11:56 may be a key to our sanity and survival (Thanks, Lisa for the tip, one of many!) 

The You Wealth Revolution had a physicist Peter Shenk speaking last night that covered points about 'as you believe, speak and act, so it is..." as well as how to up the positive frequencies of water, one's body and life... just  the basics to help get one's show on the road. I know a lot of that sounds like wishful thinking squared, but the cost of not cashing in on one's imagination, intuition and even ingeniousness is Costing Us Big Time.

More on Marilyn ("More-roe)" Monroe...Who might any of us have been in past lives, or will be in future ones...? What about the Big IFs like aliens, read the posts below first too

on Thu, 08/03/2017 - 17:22

When talking for a few minutes about this piece which I wrote late last night, I wanted to  add that whoever Marilyn Monroe( or may I say "More-roe"( so much More than met the eye or screen or news birth to death as are Each of Us)  was Before she may have incarnated into her lifetime (as well as since) clearly had a big mission on earth, not only as a star and entertainer but as a child born into a rough family such that she was put up for adoption after being in a dozen foster care homes as an infant and small child. 

That shines a light of concern but also of hope that decent people can

A Media Circus or Set of Concerns about CT's Sandy Hook regarding Meghan Kelly's Sunday 6/18/17 'interview with Alex Jones' which he does not want to air..

on Tue, 06/13/2017 - 17:58

With reverence for losses that took place on December 14, 2012 in CT and the many that have happened across the United States with 'clear and convincing evidence' and far less attention or support for the families affected (as I learned at a CT Peace Conference), we can take a moment of silence and light a candle of hiope and faith that we all will brave the thinking, caring, inquiring and learning whether online or in our discussions to address any wrong doing, deception, or confusion or not understanding the bigger picture.

When looking at Yahoo News after being away from my computer for a
