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livfully's blog

9/11/17, What Have We Learned from No Lies and other Key ?s

on Thu, 09/07/2017 - 20:44

Our caring thoughts are with those dealing with the difficult weather (and likely climate-related) challenges in the US and elsewhere at this time of year, in early September 2017.  PS. After writing this post, in the lower part I get into 9-11 talk, overarching skim and see what resonates and in any event, hope everyone is having a positive September with support and inspiration even in times of challenge.

Thanks to all who are finding ways to show support, make contributions and check on 'what we can do locally and in the areas most affected.' I have heard groups like the JW's

Moving Magic Makes Friends and Chairs Appear...Nice to Meetcha Along the Way

on Thu, 09/07/2017 - 03:18

Maybe it's no surprise to hear I meet people when I'm out and about in Brooklyn NY or the Northwest Corner of CT or on Metro-North going back and forth. This last trip found me in the first seat I saw since the ticket machine at the Wassaic station wasn't working

.( note: I just misspelled Brooklyn as Brooklny..but I like it and may use that on a T-shirt..what a conversation-starter That would be...), it could be BrooklNY, emphasize the importance --and coolness-- of Brooklyn as part of the NY Metro Area...)

I thought we'd be leaving promptly and I heard we could buy our tickets on

Lighting a Candle for Safety and Recovery in Texas...May each have rest and be assured of a brighter, better time

on Thu, 08/31/2017 - 02:52

Somehow I did not tune into the news of the Houston flooding in a timely manner to see the very disturbing video of the highways and land flooded beyond what anyone imagined. The main news that most people were safe and being rescued by others was heartening. I watched a short piece now of the Governor of Texas saying things were going well given the pressures, because Texans were helping Texans and receiving help from the National Guard and others around the country. The news of 18 having died during the flooding however was sad news indeed.

A police officer who had served 34 years was

The New Pearl Harbor video online and other insights from No Lies Radio site very Key for this 9-11-01 anniversary in 2017, to head toward The Truth (and theories of what That Is)

on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 19:05

The headline 'indicates a crime or two in our US History from the 1940s and now the 2000s' but you have to spend a few minutes looking at the videos for more details..( I want to note that those who describe the conspiracy theories are one group.Those 'debunking the conspiracy theories' are debunkers (and are the basis for some of this New Pearl Harbor discussion which entertains what the debunkers are saying and 'proves them to be in error or wrong.'  I spoke with someone whose by all accounts a very smart, concerned person.

Moving into a Wiser, Caring, Aware and Involved Arena from the Personal to the Public Realms of Politics, End of Life Care and even 9-11-01 "No Lies Radio" films

on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 17:20

I shared the following with a new group of End Of Life Doulas from the programs which I am training to learn more about helping people who are facing terminal illness or serious conditions of decline so families and support people have the information and encouragement to make decisions (yes about things like being an organ donor, having life support if that were an option and needed, having hospice and much more...even how to address the time of dying, after death and care for the loved one possibly at home or in a more personal way.)

There is a Home Funeral Alliance
